add optimism to metamask guide simple

Add Optimism To MetaMask – 3 Simple Methods

This article breaks down all the different ways you can add the Optimism blockchain to MetaMask. We’ll also look at adding the Optimism token to MetaMask. Let’s get started.

How To Add Optimism To MetaMask

One of the fastest ways to add Optimism to MetaMask is by using MetaMask’s built-in interface. Start by logging in to your MetaMask account, click the network tab, and click “Add Network.”

On the Network Settings page, you’ll see the Optimism logo next to an “add” button. Click “add,” then click “approve” on the next screen. Now you have successfully added Optimism to MetaMask! You can also add other blockchains like Arbitrum to MetaMask using this method.

add optimism to metamask with metamask interface
add optimism to metamask with metamask interface
add optimism to metamask with metamask approve network

How To Manually Add Optimism To MetaMask

If, for whatever reason, the above method isn’t working, you can also manually add Optimism to MetaMask by inputting the details yourself.

Start by logging into MetaMask, then click the Network tab and click “Add Network.” Once you’re on the Network Settings page, go to the bottom and click on “Add a network manually.”

Now that you’re on the add “a network manually page,” start by filling in the blank fields with the information below. 

  • Network Name: Optimism
  • RPC URL:
  • ChainID: 10
  • Symbol: ETH
  • Block Explorer URL: 

Remember to use ETH as the currency symbol since gas fees are paid in ETH on the Optimism network. If you enter OP, you won’t be able to connect to the network. Make sure to enter the information without any spaces or blank characters, as the extra space will cause MetaMask to read the information wrong.

If you notice that the Optimism blockchain is slow or overloaded with transactions, you can switch to a different RPC, which can help your transactions go through. You can think of a RPC as a server that lets you connect to a blockchain. Switching RPCs is something you can try when you notice the network is overloaded.

Ankr, Omnia, 1RPC, and LavaNet all provide their own RPCs for the Optimism blockchain, and they can help you escape blockchain congestion. Simply replace the link in the RPC with one of the links below:

Add Optimism To MetaMask Using Chainlist

Another quick way to add Optimism to MetaMask is by using Chainlist. Chainlist is a reputable website that makes it easy to connect to different blockchains within a few clicks.

Start by navigating to the Chainlist home page and searching for Optimism. You can also use this direct link.

Next, log-into your MetaMask wallet, and once you’re on the Chainlist page, click Connect Wallet under Optimism.

Now, a MetaMask window will open, and you can click “Connect”. Then another MetaMask window will open, and you can click “Approve.” Finally, another MetaMask window will open, and you can click “Switch Network” to start using Optimism. You can also

Now that you’re done connecting your wallet to Optimism, it’s a good idea to disconnect your wallet from Chainlist. Even though Chainlist is a safe and reputable website, it’s a good idea to reduce your exposure to risk by minimizing how many websites your MetaMask wallet is connected to. 

Click on the MetaMask icon, then click on the Globe symbol. Next, click on the three dots next to your account number. Finally, click on “disconnect account”

disconnect wallet

How To Add The Optimism Token To MetaMask

Want to add the actual Optimism token to MetaMask? Start by using this link to visit the Optimism token page on the Optimism Block Explorer.

Now that you’re on the explorer page, click the three dots on the right side of the page, then click “Add Token To Web3 Wallet.”

If this doesn’t work for you, copy the contract address from the page (0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000042), then click on the MetaMask icon, then click Import Tokens.

Once you paste the contract address into the “token contract address” field, the rest of the information will auto-fill. Click “Add custom token,” then click “Import Tokens” on the next page. Now, you’ll be able to see your OP token balance whenever you open MetaMask.

manually add optimism token to metamask 11
manually add optimism token to metamask 2

You can also use the same contract address method to add USDT to MetaMask.

Optimism Overview

Optimism is a layer 2 blockchain designed to complement Ethereum by providing low-cost fees. Optimism launched in May of 2022, so it has a young and developing ecosystem. Many projects that launch on the Ethereum mainnet also choose to launch on Optimism to provide a low-fee environment for their users. Projects like Velodrome, Stargate, and Frax Finance have launched on Optimism. Keep an eye out for new launches as Optimism grows and attracts users.

Additional Reading:

Add Solana To MetaMask

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