Want to learn how to add Arbitrum to MetaMask? Arbitrum is a layer 2 blockchain designed to scale the Ethereum network. Developers can launch dApps and tokens on the Arbitrum blockchain, which can handle more transactions per second than the Ethereum main network while fees are still paid in Ethereum. If you need to add Arbitrum to MetaMask, check out the following steps:
How To Add Arbitrum To MetaMask:
- Open MetaMask and click on the network menu next to the MetaMask logo
- Navigate to the bottom of the Menu and click “Add Network.”
- On this screen, you’ll need to enter the network name, RPC URL, Chain ID, Currency Symbol, and Block Explorer URL
- Network name: Arbitrum One
- New RPC URL: https://arb1.arbitrum.io/rpc
- Chain ID: 42161
- Currency symbol: ETH
- Block Explorer URL: https://arbiscan.io/
- Click Save after adding the above details
- You are now ready to connect to dApps on the Arbitrum Blockchain
How To Add Arbitrum Air To MetaMask:
During busy periods on the Arbitrum blockchain, you may find transactions and approvals are slow. In this situation, you can connect to the Arbitrum blockchain via a different RPC with less activity.
- Open MetaMask and click on the network menu next to the MetaMask logo
- Navigate to the bottom of the Menu and click “Add Network.”
- On this screen, you’ll need to enter the network name, RPC URL, Chain ID, Currency Symbol, and Block Explorer URL
- Network name: Arbitrum One
- New RPC URL: https://arb1.arbitrum.io/rpc
- Chain ID: 42161
- Currency symbol: ETH
- Block Explorer URL: https://arbiscan.io/
- Click Save after adding the above details
- You are now ready to connect to dApps on the Arbitrum Blockchain
Tip – Go to a multichain bridge like https://www.sushi.com/swap or https://fi.woo.org/ – once on the bridge page, you can select different blockchains, and Metamask will automatically add the RPC information.
How Is Arbitrum Protected by Ethereum Mainnet?
Think of Arbitrum and Ethereum as two countries that share a border. These two countries enjoy a close relationship, sharing the same ideals, users, and both countries pay fees with the Ethereum token. Despite the close relationship, there’s still a border between these two countries. Border patrol is run by the Ethereum mainnet validators that check every transaction coming in and out of Arbitrum.
The border guards check every transaction looking for potential threats and suspicious activity. There’s a long lineup at the border which is why it takes 7 days to bridge funds from Arbitrum back to the Ethereum mainnet. The tradeoff is Arbitrum is able to provide more transactions per second and less expensive fees. Need more technical details? You can read the Arbitrum docs here.
How To Add Arbitrum To MetaMask